Friday, August 19, 2011

VBS - "Broken but not..."

Rejected. Defeated. Eaten. Yes, I said eaten. Daniel and the Lion's Den anyone? July means one thing for Chris and I. VBS! The committee chose daily themes around the main theme of being broken. We are all broken people but with God, that is not the end of the story. He is always with us and for us, redeeming our brokenness.

I've found it can be a bit difficult to take pictures at VBS because of the constant motion of people and the amount of commotion! It is our responsibility to document this event in photos for the rest of the staff but we are also busy with making sure things run smoothly. While always fun to photograph, it can result in blurry and not-so-great photos. Nonetheless, here are some that maybe you can "aww" over. :)





1 comment:

  1. Brokenness is a theme God’s been putting on my heart in a big way this summer... so cool He’s doing the same thing in Brooklyn.
